I have some theories about why this happens, and will look at the literature, see if there are any studies, and share what I find with you. Although there could be all kinds changes in brain biochemistry during illness that help to bring on depression, to me it seems that I get depressed because I am forced to slow down when ill. Normally, I am over-scheduled and frantic, running from one commitment to the next and complaining of being too busy. But if I ever have time on my hands, I fidget, am uncomfortable and think about the things I should or could be doing. Maybe staying on the move and too busy is a tactic that I use to keep depression at bay?
I called in sick yesterday because of a fever Tuesday night. I have been fever free for more than 24 hours, so am dragging myself back to work tonight to teach, although I still feel lethargic and depressed. Based on past experience, I'll bet you that I come home from work tonight wired, and with the depression banished. That's what teaching, or keeping busy does for me.
Please comment and share your experiences regarding physical illness and depression, or other bipolar symptoms.
Stay healthy. Stay happy.
Manic 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 depresseD
This blog is for informational purposes only, it is not intended to be used for the treatment of mental illness. If you are having emotional troubles, please see a human mental health professional, not a computer.