Struggling mightily against depression...after a bout of mixed bipolar episodes.
What a Bad Day Looks Like
Yesterday, while my daughter was at a summer day camp, I sat in my car in a parking garage with a blanket and pillow, watching Wuthering Heights on my iPhone until it was time to pick her up. At one point, I was sobbing while talking to my husband on the phone. Several people, throughout the afternoon, hesitantly approached my car to ask if I was okay. At least I wasn't laying in bed all day, but still not a stellar day for my mental health.
The medications that I had been taking (mainly just Seroquel at night and Prozac intermittently...not the way to take Prozac) have obviously not been cutting it.
I am going to start taking the Prozac as I should, every day, and am adding a 1/2 tablet of Zoloft. Yikes! Zoloft (Sertraline) is a med that I don't like, and that usually makes me feel extremely spazzy, but I am willing to give it a try again if it will pull me out of this deep blue funk. We'll see.
What Drugs are You Taking to Manage Your Bipolar Symptoms?
I am interested in learning what other people are taking to manage their bipolar. Lets share info. Post a comment about what you are currently, or have taken to manage your bipolar disorder. How are your meds working for you? What are the good or bad experiences you've had with medications. Let help each other1
Reminder...the only person who should be making recommendations as to which bipolar medications you need to be taking is your psychiatrist. The purpose of this post is just to help us increase our knowledge of possible drug combinations taken someone suffering from bipolar disorder. This would be the type of information that you can talk to your doctor about, particularly if the medications you are currently taking are not working for you.
Manic 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 depresseD!!!!
This blog is for informational purposes only, it is not intended to be used for the treatment of mental illness. If you are having emotional troubles, please see a human mental health care professional, not a computer.