Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bipolar + Common Cold = Depression

Cold, Flu and Bipolar Disorder
Sick - Day 1 (Sat.): I just started coming down with a cold yesterday, and am trying to fight it by taking zinc and cold meds to reduce symptoms. I was going post a new entry on the relationship between physical illness and depression, but I found that I already had an old, but relevant, post on the subject. "Cold, Flu and Depression: Does Physical Illness Cause Bipolar Blues?"

Sick - Day 2 (Sun): Didn't sleep well last night. Miserable part of the cold now with sore throat, headache, lethargy. Taking cold meds, and am taking all bipolar meds too (as I always should). Hubby took kids on an adventure. I stayed in bed until noon. Was teary and started to feel depressed. Then got up and showered. Cleaned out the bathroom closet, and watered garden.

While I was working around the house, I started to think about how being sick with a cold and being depressed feels very similar. Maybe that is what triggers depression during  a cold. Perhaps the same neural pathways are stimulated (or not stimulated) during both depression and physical illness. I did a little research, but didn't find anything. I have access to scientific journal databases. Need to do more research. (Those of you who read the article linked above may have notices that I promised to look further into the connection between physical illness and depression in Nov. 2009...This time I really mean it :)

Sick - Day 3: Much better when I woke up this morning. Gunky cough, voice is going, but, overall I feel much better. Think I am at the tail end of this cold already. No depression, a little hypomanic.

5/5 Bipolar Stats:
  • Level of Mania (on scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=practically levitating): 1
  • Level of Depression (on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=can't get out of bed): 1
  • Medication Compliance (0 = not taking, 5=taking some, 10=taking all): 5 (forgot Wellbutrin)
5/6 Bipolar Stats:
  • Level of Mania (on scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=practically levitating): 1
  • Level of Depression (on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=can't get out of bed): 5
  • Medication Compliance (0 = not taking, 5=taking some, 10=taking all): 10 

5/7 Bipolar Stats:
  • Level of Mania (on scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=practically levitating): 4
  • Level of Depression (on a scale of 1 - 10, with 1=none, 10=can't get out of bed): 0
  • Medication Compliance (0 = not taking, 5=taking some, 10=taking all): 10 

I am recording my mania and depression bipolar data separately because I often have mixed episodes where manic and depressive symptoms occur at the same time.

This blog is for informational purposes only, it is not intended to be used for the treatment of mental illness. If you are having emotional troubles, please see a mental health professional, not a computer.

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