Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Don't Let Your Bipolar Prescription Run Out!

I made a bipolar rookie's blunder last week and found myself with one pill of Seroquel and no prescription for more. No excuse for that one. I get my meds through a mail order, because it is 1/3 the cost of getting the prescription at a brick-and-mortar pharmacy.

If you also get your bipolar medications in this less expensive way, always remember to order far in advance of running out.

What It Took to Get My Rx:
  1. I had to first contact my doctor to get a new prescription order.
  2. The doctor's office mailed me the written prescription.
  3. I then discovered that I had no more mail order forms to send the script in, and had to wait for forms to be sent to me.
  4. Then I sent the prescription in to the mail order company and waited for it to be filled and mailed back to me.
This whole scenario took no more than a week and a half (luckily), but it was merely a case of poor planning. And yes, I could have just run the prescription order over the a pharmacy and paid extra, but decided to run the risk of mail order in order to save cash.

Your bipolar medications are vital to your mental health. Use my example as a reminder to always stay on top of your meds and make sure that you have plenty of time to order and receive a new prescription, especially if it is through the mail.


Manic 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 depresseD
This blog is for informational purposes only, it is not intended to be used for the treatment of mental illness. If you are having emotional troubles, please see a human mental health professional, not a computer.


  1. thanks so much for having this blog. Years (20+) of missed what's wrong doctors/pills/thearpy, finally been told i am bipolar. "amen and please pass the mash potato's." Big dose of hope. Now to continue my realationship with my husband. The kids (26,22.20) have been more excepting of the new-improved mom. Hubs, not so much. My advice for those who have been/will be told bi-polar...walk slow thru life, slow down everything.

  2. I've read through your various entries with some bemusement. I'm a type II (diagnosed some five years ago) and am currently self medicating with alcohol and weed (my faithful friends through thick and thin!).

    This blog thing you do, it's good. I know that tonight it has brought me at least some modicum of peace. If nothing else it stopped my ricocheting around the internet (and the room). For reference it's five in the morning and I've been awake for a couple of hours after passing out early in the evening. Very mixed night that climaxed in a bottle and a half of wine and a pack of smokes.

    There's so many of us. We exist in every facet of society - some fully functioning, some dangling by a spiders strand, and some both at the same time. Recent foolish events have left me in the latter of these states. I've avoided prescription meds most of my life frankly because they scare me! I had my own quack experience who had prescribed me Abilify and Adderall. To me I seemed perfectly fine. It was my friends and family who were concerned with the zombie living in their midst. Since then and before I've shied away from psychiatrists with the leering loathing of a wino looking at an AA meeting. Most days are just fine and I spend my time in a state of hypomania. My work keeps me hopping constantly and if that doesn't quite do the trick I have four motorcycles to work on, a four wheel drive truck to go plow the mountains with, a small sports car to zip about in, an obsession with audio gear that permeates both my home and my vehicles, an SLR and a collection of lenses that gets dusted off and packed everywhere I go on occasion, etc, etc, etc. You get the idea. I feel as though I must be in a constant state of motion. I also have the wretched habit of injecting disaster into my life. If things become a bit lax and well, "normal" then I tend to find some way to change that. All that normalcy leaves me feeling bored and stagnant so I launch into some new venture whether that be a new hobby or a new relationship. I've been this way most of my life but I've also been paying closer attention that past few years to myself. I usually recognize the state that I'm in but not always before it has reeked havoc. My favorite is that dawning, waking sensation as the cobwebs clear and you look about you and wonder why everyone is so upset!

    So, having rambled on through another couple of cigarettes and with the sun creeping up over the swamp I will close. It's almost time for Dr. Jekyll to don his top hat and step into the working world.

    Thanks for the blog and the new direction of thought that it put me on. Keep it up. It helps you and helps others. Take care and good luck.


  3. THANK YOU both for your comments! To Holly...How do you slow down? My first 11-4 entry relates to how slowing down can bring on depression, and this driving need to move fast. I'd appreciate more insight into how you slow down and stay healthy. SubHum...Wow! What you wrote...there I am, looking in the mirror. A lot of your observations really hit home. I am going to put up another post asking any of my readers who would like to post, rather than just comment on the site, to please let me know. I can allow you access to post your own experiences here, help others, and yourself (writing is very therapeutic). Let me know if you are interested in contributing.
